Arcade Moonlander – Autohotkey script for automated landing

Arcade Moonlander – Autohotkey script for automated landing 1 -
Arcade Moonlander – Autohotkey script for automated landing 1 -

Guide for Arcade Moonlander – Autohotkey script for automated landing

Autohotkey script for landing achievements.


Things to know

Since you will need a bunch of landings after you beat the game, I made a script that lands the rocket in Level 1 and starts over. It may not always work perfectly, this is due to CPU timing. So crashes can occur (there’s also achievements for that).

Autohotkey installation required (google it).

Copy paste the script into your text editor and save it with extension AHK. Open the Level Select Screen in the game, then run the script.

Script will run 99 times and automatically ends. You can pause it with F3 and end it with Shift+F3.
Yes, these values can be edited to whatever you like. Please refer to Autohotkey documentation for that.

If the script refuses to work on your end, hit F3, then open Level 1 manually and restart the script.


WinGetTitle, wintitle, ahk_cla*s UnityWndCla*s
WinWait, %wintitle%,
IfWinNotActive, %wintitle%, , WinActivate, %wintitle%,
WinWaitActive, %wintitle%,

gamename = Arcade Moonlander
ResizeWin(1296,759) ;1280x720resolution

IfInString, gamename, %wintitle%
loop, 99 {
MouseClick, left, 538, 203 ;start level 1
Sleep, 1500
Send {E}
Sleep, 900
Send {Esc}
Sleep, 900
MouseClick, left, 627, 366 ;resume
Sleep, 900
MouseClick, left, 600, 600
Sleep, 5400
Send {W down}
Sleep, 1200
Send {W up}
Sleep, 4600
Send {E}
Sleep, 500
} else {
MsgBox, %gamename% is not running. Exiting…

ResizeWin(Width,Height) {
if (W != %Width% && H != %Height%) {


Last words

You are free to use, edit, share this script. No copyright.

Written by bpbrother

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