Garry’s Mod – How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball!

Garry’s Mod – How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball! 1 -
Garry’s Mod – How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball! 1 -
This guide will teach you how to spawn and eat a Bouncy Ball!



Welcome to this guide in how to spawn and eat a bouncy ball!

Maybe in Garry’s Mod you have found some props or ragdolls.

But bouncy balls are different!

They bounce! They are balls! And you can consume them!

Lets start!

Spawning The Ball

First you gotta go to the SpawnMenu.

To do so you gotta press in your keyboard Q or F1!

Now you will see something like this:

Garry's Mod - How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball!

Now click Entities and you will see something like this (Admin ball is an addon):

Garry's Mod - How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball!

And you click on it!

With The Ball

Now you have a ball!

Garry's Mod - How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball!

If you are wondering where did it spawn spawn another one or just look in the direction you were looking.

The Bouncy Ball are very different to normal Props.

They bounce!

Hit them with a any of your weapons and they will go crazy!

And also!

How To Eat The Bouncy Ball

You can eat the ball!

To do it just aim at the ball with your Mouse and press E !

This is what happens when you do it:

Garry's Mod - How To Spawn And Eat A Bouncy Ball!

This will be useful for two reasons!

1. For an achivement!

2. For getting more than 100 HP!

For the achivement you need to eat 200 of them!

And is very handy for getting more of 100 HP without using the command buddha.

If you want to do it for more than 100 HP I recomend the Addon called “Admin Ball”

The End

Balls are very useful to goof around or get more than 100 HP

Also the achivement to get 100% of achivements in Garry’s Mod! (To be realistic more likely you get 99% for the meet garry achivement)

Thats all fo this guide!


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