Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Why Grail Knight is Bad

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Why Grail Knight is Bad 1 - wpgameplay.com
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Why Grail Knight is Bad 1 - wpgameplay.com

Guide for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Why Grail Knight is Bad

Let’s an*lyze why you shouldn’t play as a Grail Knight.

He has no ranged (or substitute for it)

Specials are one of 3 very serious threats in Vermintide 2. The fact he has a complete zero in ranged ability is a serious handicap. 
1. What if he’s the only person available to deal with a ranged threat? Guess it’s wiping time. 
2. What if he’s playing with bots who refuse to shoot specials? Shucks. 
3. He has no convenient method of dispatching dangerous foes at a distance. They didn’t even compensate for the handicap. He has no notable strengths. 
4. Average + Handicap = Bad 

His handicap has no compensation

Despite this guy having no ranged weapon, he has nothing to make up for it. 
1. He’s strong-armed (if you don’t know what that means, it basically means being forced to do something, indirectly) into carrying a shield, which takes up his second melee slot. Shield weapons aren’t very good, let’s be honest (unless you’re abusing corner strats like a group of glory-hounds). So, basically, he has one melee slot, in practice. 
One weapon slot + Portable cowering bunker = Bad 
2. He has no notable strengths. You think with his handicap of no ranged ability, he would have some drastic power to compensate. Maybe he should have an alternate method to deal with ranged problems. Maybe he should have immunity to knockback, allowing him to move freely on the battlefield. 
3. Why doesn’t he have innate immunity to knockback? Even if you block the gunner with a shield, you still are pushed back and can’t reach him. Fatshark apparently didn’t test him enough to catch that one. 

Pretty sure he has been stealth nerfed

My memory of his ult used to be that it had a large cleave that it would wipe out whatever was in front of you. Nowadays, I’m noticing you kill some and the rest are just knocked back. Was this documented? This was tested on sparse trash mobs, so there should be no limit to this cleave. 

Why does he not have immunity to knockback?

So many threats control your character by using knockback or grabs or something. Yet, he’s entirely subject to them. Combine this with no ranged weapon, and he is shut down by the simple ratling gunner and blight stormers. 
1. This guy is a bamf. That’s why he refuses to use a ranged weapon, right? So why isn’t he a bamf? 
He sounds like an elf. Overconfident, squishy, and already dead. 
2. Give him immunity to knockback. Let him charge right through the flames and bullets and slaughter. That would be a valid alternative to ranged combat. 
3. Heck, even a buff that grants immunity to grabs would be sweet. Master of CQC this guy is not, despite what is written on the tin. He’s trash is what he is. 
4. Also, if this guy has an innate immunity to knockback, you could avoid the use of shields at your discretion. This means you would regain your two melee slots. 

Everyone silently judges you

Yes, they judge you, because you openly chose to play as a Grail Knight. You have no responsibility since you have no ability, since you can’t shoot specials or do anything about them. 
So, yes, everyone on your team is thinking, “What a deadweight.” 

Judge not a character…

Never judge a character by how they perform under normal circumstances. Instead, judge a character by how they perform under bad circumstances or pressure. 
Grail Knight fails under pressure and has very little control of the game. Play him for a while with bots and you will quickly see how little he can control the outcome of the round. Despite being an archetypal hero, he cannot save the day. This is because of serious ranged handicap. 
A gunner, a flamer, a blight stormer. Double spawns of these things. That’s all it takes for Grail Knight to crumple. 
He’s a literal walking challenge run. 

Epic Vision of Grail Knight

Imagine this guy charging through flames, bullets, blight storms unaffected by them. Imagine a guy that deflects a grab every 30 seconds. He’d be a master of close quarters combat, taking the fight to his foes, despite a lack of ranged weapon. This is what the Grail Knight should be. 
Don’t let this quote die: 
“Even if you block the gunner with a shield, you still are pushed back and can’t reach him. Fatshark apparently didn’t test him enough to catch that one.” 
Farewell, friends. 

Written by Ghoul Hunter

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